Goal Progress

I shared with you my New Year’s Goals back in January. In the past 3 days I’ve knocked two items off of my list.

First off, I signed up yesterday for the PE Review course at NCSU that lasts 22 weeks. I’m not looking forward to it, but I know it is necessary. The first class is April 24th. The big test day is October 25th. I’m trying not to get anxious, I have plenty of time. For those of you that don’t know what the PE exam is… In simplest terms, it is an 8 hour licensing exam that engineers have to take in order to sign and seal drawings. You can’t sit for this exam until you have 4 years of experience under an already licensed PE. (PE stands for Professional Engineer.)

Secondly, I completed The Couch-to-5K program. Some friends and I participated in a Color Mania 5K this past Saturday. Whenever I wasn’t tasting the chalky powder, it was a blast. I’m very proud of us, we all ran the entire time!


My Morning Coffee- Pre Color Mania 5K


My Morning Coffee- After Color Mania 5K


My Morning Coffee- Color Celebration at the end of the Color Mania 5K

Where I currently stand with my goals…

  1. find voice on blog
  2. better posture
  3. try 50% of cheese selection at Whole Foods
  4. save more money
  5. try to be more of a morning person
  6. being content in my own skin
  7. purchase fabric elastic hair ties
  8. be a better listener
  9. wear more of the clothes in my closet
  10. start studying for my PE Exam
  11. complete couch to 5K program

Many of these goals are things that can’t be accomplished in one year and I realize that. I probably won’t get the satisfaction of crossing everything off of my list, but I’ll be satisfied with progress on all fronts.

How are you all doing on your goals? Any recent achievements?

One thought on “Goal Progress

  1. You’re an inspiration! I’m trying to wear everything in my closet. And have succeeded in making progress until I succumbed to temptation and bought 3 jean jackets in white wash, medium and dark within the last 10 days! 😦

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